Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:44:06 - Solutions for Seasonal EmploymentConnecting American employers with international seasonal workers under J-1 visa Copyright 2003-2010 by Jobofer.orgsupport@jobofer.ruKohanaPHPSummer Work Travel 2012 - 2013 Season Program Dates by Country Work Travel 2012 - 2013 Season Program Dates by Country. The program dates are windows of opportunity for program participation. Within this timeframe, students are still subject to their university's official academic break schedule. <a href="/news/dates2013/">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruTue, 29 Jan 2013 10:32:10 +0100Special Personnel for Special Game of our key specializations is providing American Golf Clubs with <a href="/seasonalstaffing/">seasonal personnel</a>. Students with <a href="/j1visa/">J1 Visa</a> participating in <a href="/workandtravelusa/">Work and Travel Program</a> have proven they are best workers for Golf Clubs. Young and well-educated, they show their diligence and responsibility. You can rely on <a href="/seasonalstaffing/">seasonal staff</a> in such works as Golf course maintenance, assisting players, car hosting, room services, meal services, Golf shop sales and many other duties. Students from <a href="/countries/">15 countries</a> are between 18 and 28 and they already have positive characteristics from our partners. <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruFri, 24 Feb 2012 14:55:08 +0100Want to find out whether your business can use foreign seasonal employees? but not sure where to start? Let <a href=""></a> handle your seasonal staffing processes! Feel free to browse the sections of our site in case you have any questions about The <a href="">Work and Travel USA</a> Program, the <a href="">J1 Visa</a>, or anything else concerning hiring foreign students. <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruFri, 18 Nov 2011 14:24:17 +0100J1 visa issuance condition in Russia and Ukraine in 2011 view of economical state and high unemployment in the USA, American government has taken several decisions with a purpose to reduce the amount of J1 visa students who participate in <a href="">Work and Travel USA</a> program. <a href="">Read more</a>. Jobofer.ruTue, 17 May 2011 17:49:17 +0200The USA National Parks: popular vacation destinations parks are cultural symbols of the United States. Moreover, they embody its spirit. Parents take their children there to see sights representing ideals and values of the country. These areas are protected by state for their outstanding ecosystems, flora and fauna, and cultural importance for the nation. <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruWed, 30 Mar 2011 19:44:14 +0200Amusement areas in summer – the secret of Water Parks’ popularity temperature outside is not only one reason why water parks are visited so often. Since first water attractions in 1940 they have greatly grown both in popularity and variety, not to mention their number. Up-to-date water park is a large amusement park with different waterplay areas, such as splash pads, lazy rivers, water slides, spraygrounds. <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruTue, 15 Mar 2011 16:29:35 +0100Overseas Seasonal Workers in the Beach Services Sector beach services sector faces an annual demand for seasonal workers to fill thousands of beach job positions for the peak season. Companies look for efficient and easy-going personality types that are helpful in direct guest interaction and are physically strong to work long hours outdoors. <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruTue, 01 Mar 2011 16:32:18 +0100Create the atmosphere of B&B hotel may not pay attention at little things such as smiles of the staff serving guests in your B&B hotel and the way they can make people comfortable around them, but you can be sure: your client does notice all these details. He forms his opinion about your enterprise relying on these impressions. All these factors are taken into account as this is something that makes the spirit of the place and mood of your clientele. And though it is made by such things as cleanness of hotel, stylish decoration and other things that can be seen and touched, there are still something that can be felt only. This is something we call atmosphere of the place. But atmosphere is impossible without industrious staff contributing to your brand every day. <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruFri, 18 Feb 2011 11:15:19 +0100Less J1 employees will be obtainable in 2011 workers from Belarus, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Russia and Ukraine now need to have a job offer affirmed by their employers before the visa interview. It is very important for the American employers since the residents of the aforesaid countries put together about 50% of the international seasonal staff in America. <a href="/news/less-j1-employees-in-2011/">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruTue, 01 Feb 2011 13:44:32 +0100Two most important factors ensuring success of Concession Business and game concessions are everywhere. Visiting Traveling Carnivals, Zoos, Fairs and Theme Parks, you will always find mobile fast food and game concessions there. As there are plenty of different carnivals and fairs including agricultural fairs in summer and autumn, food and game concession business depending on them operates from May till October. Most concessionaires travel from one city to another. They spend about a week in each city and usually travel with carnivals. They are also invited by cities celebrating any holidays or holding fairs. At the average, concessionaires travel about 1 -3 states. Mobile food service and game concessions have plenty of opportunities. But, it is necessary to remember two most important factors ensuring success of concession business. They are hiring employees and managing cash flow.Jobofer.ruMon, 17 Jan 2011 21:26:18 +0100Seasonal staff for Casino the world`s metropolis of gambling industry and commercial casinos the USA attracts millions of tourists presented by experienced players and newcomers coming to try luck by giving a twiddle to roulette, playing poker or slot machines like “one-armed bandit”, shooting dice. A regular paradise for gambler! A great number of casinos are located in Nevada, actually in all towns, cities and villages of that state, incl. Las Vegas, Reno and Carson City. <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruWed, 22 Dec 2010 21:04:40 +0100Let hard work becomes easy with the help of seasonal workers! your business concerns <a href="">construction industry</a> you should know that normally workers and builders have quite a tight schedule. Sometimes crew has to wait until some other work is done in the result of which the main work goes not as quick as desired. But experienced managers know how to reduce time losses – they use flexible schedule of work and various number of workers on different stages of building. That’s why there are so many representatives of construction industry among the partners of <a href=""></a> – and all of them choose seasonal employees! Efficient use of craftsmen, seasonal aid of numerous crew assistants in solving physically hard and routine work – all these make construction industry more profitable.Jobofer.ruTue, 14 Dec 2010 14:42:17 +0100How to find seasonal staff for the ranch? doubt that <a href="">Guest ranch</a> can be profitable business in any season. They attract guests with excellent service, modern and comfortable accommodation conditions and some kind of exotic. Here every person can feel like a real cowboy living on an excellent ranch. It’s a splendid opportunity for family vacation, kids activities and single tourism. Fishing, dancing, horse riding, hiking and boating! Where else can one get the whole package, except <a href="">Dude Ranch</a>? <a href="">Read more</a>.Jobofer.ruWed, 08 Dec 2010 16:36:41 +0100Looking for Moving and Storage Seasonal Workers? Make it Easier with us! and storage business is not at all like other types of business; first of all - due to its seasonal type. These services are mostly demanded in summer as this is the time when most people move from one place to another; most reconstruction works start in summer bringing about the necessity of moving the construction equipment and materials; hotels and cafes start their tourist season and are in need for moving and storage services too. Thus, the moving and storage companies don't have to employ big staff all year round but in summer their need for this kind of employees increases greatly.Jobofer.ruTue, 30 Nov 2010 20:22:36 +0100Seasonal workers for Seafood Plants in the United States of America company is proud to announce that now the process of employees search has become easier than ever. This is a great proposal for <a href="">Seafood Plants</a> of the United States which often require seasonal workers for their businesses. Due to specific character of fish market and because of seasonal variations of offer and demand for seafood, most <a href="">Seafood Plants</a> often have an urgent need for seasonal workers. The good part is the fact that it is possible to predict approximate quantity of additional workers that will be essential at different working places during different periods of the year. But there is also a bad part… Most of the U.S. residents seek for a permanency and are not satisfied with temporary job offers at <a href="">Seafood Plants</a>. <a href="">Read more...</a>Jobofer.ruTue, 16 Nov 2010 15:28:15 +0100Solution to Your Seasonal Staffing Needs 2011 are very glad to inform you that our <a href=""></a> starts to recruit <a href="">J-1 Visa</a> students - candidates for participating in <a href="">Work Travel USA 2011 Program</a>. You are very welcome to inform us about your staffing needs for season 2011. To work with us this season please update your hiring needs <a href="">here</a>. If it's your first time here, you will need to complete our short <a href="">On-Line Employer Registration Form</a>. Our Winter students will be available from November 2010 till March, then from March till June and Summer time - June through September 2011.Jobofer.ruMon, 20 Sep 2010 15:17:10 +0200Have a great summer! 13 to 31 August team will be on vacation. We would like to thank all our employers and business-partners having used our services. We wish all of you guys to have fun and enjoy your time, have wonderful impressions of your summer 2010! We look forward to hearing from you soon with your experiences, stories and pictures. Job vacancies for the <a href="">Work and Travel USA 2011</a> will be updated from September/October this year.Jobofer.ruTue, 10 Aug 2010 13:14:16 +0200The most efficient way to fill seasonal vacancies in restaurant business tired of paying recruiting agencies to hire seasonal restaurant staff? But still want to take on hard-working, sociable and motivated servitorials? Get wise to make your restaurant business successful, hiring international exchange students without charge!Jobofer.ruWed, 04 Aug 2010 11:20:16 +0200You should consider the appropriate motivation system for your temporary employees if you wish your company to be a success in the market you faced the problem of hiring seasonal employees for your business, requiring extra hands in peak seasons, you have to make the most of the expenses you are taking. Looking for workforce, employers hire frequently students providing entry-level positions for them and offering them construction, open air and tourism jobs. Jobofer.ruWed, 28 Jul 2010 13:44:19 +0200Seasonal Employee recruitment for Country Inns and Suites your own business is always a big deal. Success in business depends on many things, and reliable staff is one of them. Whether you are running a hotel or a restaurant, sooner or later the time comes to engage employees: hosts, waiters, drivers, dishwashers etc. The people you hire interact with customers, represent your company, and project its image. No doubt every business owner would prefer qualified staff, to make the services qualitative and attractive for clients.Jobofer.ruWed, 21 Jul 2010 16:00:07 +0200Seasonal employees for the conference centers, summer time is a time when different-tier companies, trade associations and different unions organize member’s meetings in order to discuss some current company’s life events, to wage a high-quality coordination work and disclose ones strategic plans or managerial decisions. The number of the meetings’ participants can vary from a couple dozen (small companies) to thousandth, in the case if the meeting is organized by a large company or foundation.Jobofer.ruWed, 14 Jul 2010 12:36:52 +0200Looking for Reliable seasonal staff – we are at your disposal is no lack of pretenders and/or potential employees for positions in hotel and restaurant business on summer, but only a little part of them do meet all the requirements, such as...Jobofer.ruWed, 07 Jul 2010 16:54:00 +0200Independence Day - July 4, 2010 employers! We congratulate you on the Independence Day and wish you to have successful and fruitful activity this summer! Our team thanks you for being our partners this season and we hope that our collaboration has brought prosperity to your business! We are always ready for cooperation with our old and new friends and we are always looking for development of new ideas that are able to meet requirements of American employers who work closely with us.Jobofer.ruSun, 04 Jul 2010 00:03:09 +0200Legal international winter seasonal staff for your business in the USA you run your business in the United States and if you are looking for extra-workers available from November/December till March/April, today is your lucky day! Since 2008 has been working with exchange students from the southern hemisphere of the Earth and we know everything about their capacities. Thousands of hard-working students arrive in late fall/winter to the USA mostly from Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador and Chile every year.Jobofer.ruTue, 29 Jun 2010 13:15:32 +0200Tax Calculator – Tax Benefits you know seasonal hiring could save you money? You can actually save money on your payroll tax by hiring J1 students and letting them do seasonal jobs for your business! For your convenience, we have implemented this Tax Calculator. You don’t have to go hit or miss or spend money on legal advice. With’s Tax Calculator, accurate numbers are at your fingertips. Jobofer.ruSat, 26 Jun 2010 15:33:28 +0200Countries of student enrollment from both the northern and the southern hemispheres apply legibly for <a href="/workandtravelusa/">Work and Travel USA</a> program. Check the interactive map below to see the statistics for participating countries gathered 2006 through 2009. Jobofer.ruSun, 02 May 2010 15:31:06 +0200Jobseekers - Information for J1 Students and WaT Agencies you a student participating in the <a href="">Work and Travel USA</a> program under the <a href="">J1 visa</a>? If you are looking for seasonal work, we are ready to help you along the entire way. We help hundreds of students find their perfect jobs in spring, summer and winter as well. Whether you are an individual student or an agency, we are prepared to provide you with competent assistance.Jobofer.ruThu, 11 Mar 2010 21:49:00 +0100Cutting Your Costs and Surviving the Crunch - Saving Money During Crisis crunch has hit us all. While the government is busy helping the big guys out with bailout packages, smaller sized businesses have to take smart decisions, cut costs, and generally do everything to keep their enterprise running.Jobofer.ruTue, 02 Mar 2010 16:26:45 +0100The Results of the Year 2008 - helps the American business to satisfy its needs in seasonal staff <a href="/workandtravelusa/">Work and Travel USA program</a> program is extremely popular in Russia and Eastern European countries and its popularity continue to increase. Jobofer.ruSat, 01 Aug 2009 15:47:36 +0200What is SEVIS?<p>The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is a computer system that monitors all aliens on the USA territory, including <a href="">J1 Visa</a> holders. <a href="">Work and Travel program</a> participants are obliged to register in SEVIS during 10-20 days since their program start date (depends on <a href="">Sponsor</a> requirements). Registration (by Internet or phone call) should be done by the students themselves.Jobofer.ruThu, 23 Jul 2009 18:00:00 +0200Need construction work done in summer? Foreign workers suit perfectly! you are in the construction business, you have probably noticed that summer is the season when there's plenty of work to do while many businesses are lacking manpower. Did you know there are hundreds of international exchange students coming to the States during summer under the <a href=""><strong>J1 visa</strong></a> seeking entry level jobs and great American experiences?Jobofer.ruFri, 05 Jun 2009 11:47:11 +0200Let seafood processing run smooth, seasonal hiring will do the trick! you looking forward to the fishing season? Your salmon processing plant is ready to work, but are you sure you have enough staff to handle the seafood processing? <strong>The time is now!</strong> Hire extra seafood handles and salmon processors among international students coming to spend their summer working for US-based businesses. Jobofer.ruTue, 26 May 2009 22:16:21 +0200Feel the need for extra movers? Hire exchange students! across the States summer is a wonderful time to relax, have fun – and to move. Plenty of people plan ahead and schedule their moving or repairs for the warmer months. From the perspective of a <a href="">moving and storage company</a>, this means there is greater demand in summer, which brings you to the necessity of extra hiring. Jobofer.ruThu, 21 May 2009 08:45:29 +0200Need people to serve food to your guests? Try seasonal employees! is always a great, fun-filled time in the States. While most young Americans are on vacation, you still need good food servers to meet and serve your guests – and there is no shortage of guests during the warm months. It is important to pick the right people to fill your food server vacancies so that your guest service standards remain excellent.Jobofer.ruFri, 17 Apr 2009 14:09:55 +0200Looking for hard-working maintenance staff? Seasonal hiring is the answer! you run a facility which requires <strong>maintenance work</strong> done on a regular basis, you may know what a shortage of maintenance workers feels like in summer. More customers start coming, and you want your facility to run as smooth as it is only possible. Typically, there is a certain amount of minor repairs, cleaning, and inspection to be done whatever kind of venue you operate. <strong>Seasonal hiring helps</strong> you concentrate on strategic business decisions and perfect customer service.Jobofer.ruMon, 30 Mar 2009 18:25:40 +0200More waiters required? Fill wait staff positions with seasonal workers! your business is running a <a href="">restaurant</a>, you must be aware of the fact that many similar venues require extra stuff during the holiday season - most importantly, waiters. Do you need extra workers to care for the visitors of your eatery and make sure everything works nicely and smoothly? If so, seasonal hiring will suit perfectly, filling your open <strong>wait staff positions</strong> with willing international students, helping you optimize your expenses and add a multicultural flavor to your venue.Jobofer.ruTue, 10 Mar 2009 10:55:10 +0100Not enough lifeguards? Seasonal hiring will hit the spot! is a period when pools, beaches and similar recreational venues receive peaking amounts of customers. Help your business run smooth and make sure all the safety precautions are observed by hiring extra lifeguards – a necessity many enterprises have to face after the warm season sets in. Lack locals to fill your lifeguard positions? Using seasonal employment is a perfect solution here. Keep your pools safe and nice by hiring exchange students as lifeguards for the summer.Jobofer.ruSun, 15 Feb 2009 11:05:10 +0100Let your dishes always shine in the sun, hire exchange workers! you running a <a href="">bar or a restaurant</a> with a need of extra dishwashing staff during the buzz season? Looking for hard-working, reliable dishwashers to cover your seasonal needs? Partner with <a href=""></a> and hire foreign exchange students who are perfectly aware of dishwasher chores.Jobofer.ruMon, 02 Feb 2009 09:09:15 +0100Need more retail staff? Seasonal employment is the right answer! it does not really matter whether you are running a boardwalk gift shop or a large store. Bigger and smaller <a href="">retail businesses</a> experience the same need for extra retail people during summer, the season when sales are in full swing under the warm rays of the sun. Jobofer.ruThu, 29 Jan 2009 15:29:10 +0100Ride operators you operating in the field of bringing happiness and joy to people? If so, you certainly wouldn't like to lack stuff during the warmer months, the most fun-filled part of the year. It does not matter how large your <A href="">park or amusement</A> place is.Jobofer.ruFri, 23 Jan 2009 21:33:00 +0100Let your eatery run smooth while others suffer from lack of kitchen help! you running a successful <a href="">restaurant</a>, a <a href="">cafe</a>, or a <a href="">fast food</a> eatery? Whatever the exact nature of your food business is, probably summer months are the busiest of all. You don't have to lose money because of lack of stuff to handle all the kitchen help duties that arise in large amounts.Jobofer.ruMon, 12 Jan 2009 02:34:00 +0100Did you know exchange students can make perfect housekeeping for your enterprise?'t it great to see more and more people coming to your hotel, lodge, or inn during the buzz months of the hot season? Many businesses of this kind face staff shortages at this period, resulting in <A href="">housekeeping duties</A> being neglected by the lacking personnel.Jobofer.ruSat, 10 Jan 2009 20:01:00 +0100Work And Travel USA <a href="">Work and Travel USA</a> is a program ran by the United States government. Under this program, international students can legally enter the US for 4 months during their vacations and work for US employers. This program is beneficial both for US-based businesses who use seasonal staffing to cover their rising work force needs during the busy month, and for students who get a perspective on American culture, travel, and earn money. Thousands of overseas students have been enrolled in this program since it was started.Jobofer.ruTue, 29 Jan 2008 06:01:00 +0100J-1 visa <A href="">J-1 Visa</A> is a non-immigrant visa issued to the participants of Summer <A href="">Work/Travel program</A> which welcomes international students to work in the US during summer months learning about the country and promoting cultural exchange.Jobofer.ruThu, 24 Jan 2008 11:28:00 +0100Dude Ranches, Guest Ranches, and Seasonal Hiring there are <A href="">guest ranches</A> which welcome visitors all year round, many traditional ranch destinations are open in summer only. This means that as more visitors come during the summer months, and consequently more staff is required to serve the needs of nostalgic-minded tourists. Recruit foreign exchange students as seasonal employees and fill your seasonal entry level positions with smart, hard-working, result-committed young people from abroad.Jobofer.ruThu, 10 Jan 2008 14:28:00 +0100Retail Industry staffing is a great solution for retail <a href="">industry</a> where seasonal factors make employers seek extra workers. Higher customer demand during the busy months and staff being on vacation are among the reasons retail businesses like supermarkets, discount stores, apparel stores etc contact to have their summer vacancies filled. International students seeking seasonal jobs are energetic, good at communication, and they speak good English.Jobofer.ruTue, 18 Dec 2007 15:01:00 +0100Alaska Jobs of the Alaska <a href="">industries</a> are peaking in summer, including <a href="">salmon fishing</a>, <a href="">seafood and salmon processing</a>, <a href="">hospitality</a>, all kinds of production etc. Many businesses use seasonal staffing and hire students for entry level Alaska jobs; and many students, including international exchange students, come to Alaska and become part of the fishing industry, attracted by earning potential, enriching environment, and plenty of learning.Jobofer.ruTue, 27 Nov 2007 14:12:00 +0100General Labor companies may seek extra help and have general labor job opportunities. This need may depend less on the time of the year than typical season jobs, yet it is still a great idea to use seasonal workers for <a href="">moving</a>, <a href="">packing</a>, <a href="">warehouse work</a>, <a href="">construction work</a>, and many more. It is economically advantageous, and this adds to the positive atmosphere in your firm. It does not matter what kind of general labor you want your seasonal workers to do. has tons of experience in assisting <a href="">American businesses</a> with their seasonal staffing processes, and that includes a variety of general labor positions.Jobofer.ruMon, 12 Nov 2007 13:01:00 +0100Seasonal Staffing for the Amusement Industry is just the right season to have fun, and it means more people will love to visit your amusement venue. Whether you are running an <A href="">amusement park</A>, a <A href="">water park</A>, a <A href="">concessions</A>, a <A href="">golf club</A>, a circus, a zoo, or anything else where people come to enjoy themselves, it's a great idea not to miss the opportunities of the season and hire international seasonal workers to cover your growing staffing needs. It's truly the right choice to fill the positions you require with young, optimistic, fun-loving people from abroad who are committed to learning, earning, and adding value to your business.Jobofer.ruSat, 27 Oct 2007 12:04:00 +0200Seasonal Staffing for the Hospitality Industry is a great season to enjoy life, travel, and check out the wide range of options offered by the hospitality industry which includes <a href="">hotels</a>, <a href="">restaurants</a>, <a href="">bars</a>, <a href="">casinos</a>, <a href="">b&b hotels</a>, <a href="">country inns & suits</a>, <a href="">conference centers</a>, <a href="">fast foods</a>, and more. Do you run a <a href="">business</a> in the hospitality industry? Why don't you plan for the frantic season ahead and prepare for the rising demand by using seasonal workers?Jobofer.ruWed, 17 Oct 2007 12:12:00 +0200Reasons Seasonal Employers Hire International Students <A href="">J1 Visa</A> is a nonimmigrant visa issued to the participants of <A href="">Summer Work/Travel</A> program which welcomes international students to work in the US during summer months learning about the country and promoting cultural exchange.Jobofer.ruFri, 28 Sep 2007 14:15:00 +0200Your Business Could Benefit from Seasonal Staffing! you a <A href="">business based in the US </A>with a need for entry-level employees from May/June to September/October? You can <A href="">benefit</A> from covering your seasonal staffing needs by hiring hard-working international students with a <A href="">J1 Visa</A> who speak English and are willing to work in the States.Jobofer.ruThu, 30 Aug 2007 11:00:00 +0200