7 Ways to Cut Costs for Employers and Business Owners: Surviving the Crunch

Credit crunch has hit us all. While the government is busy helping the big guys out with bailout packages, smaller sized businesses have to take smart decisions, cut costs, and generally do everything to keep their enterprise running. We all know the Wall Street explosion sends its ripples all the way into American economy.

Smaller firms don't get the loans easily, and consumer confidence has gone down in the most remarkable way, which alone very much affects the demands for services many of us deliver and market. While the loan gardens are drying up for small restaurants, food joints, amusement parks and hospitality venues, we have to deal with less available credit and falling demand until things get brighter again. While there is no doubt they definitely will at some point, the situation is getting tough right now. What do we do? We cut costs. We cut costs wherever possible, and staffing issues and techniques are a fertile field to do that.

So, if we have a look at seasonal staffing, it becomes obvious that keeping your business afloat during the hot months gets easier when you use seasonal employees. Using international students to fill in your seasonal positions is a great way to save and diversify your working environment. The Work and Travel USA program is your easy option to fill your open seasonal vacancies with willing candidates who come from overseas to work under the authorization of the US government. Using such seasonal staff as waiters, salesmen, housekeepers, dishwashers and such, has for you as the employer a number of benefits:

  1. paying less taxes avoiding Medicare, Social Security, or Unemployment contributions
  2. paying minimum wages which look reasonable to overseas students
  3. paying less to staffing agencies (partnering with Jobofer.org means you fill your seasonal positions for free)
  4. saving on insurance payments
  5. making your business look better and appeal to customers by diversifying your team with international staff
  6. hiring people beforehand and securing your business during the buzz months
  7. benefiting from hard-working students who come to the States purely to work and earn

Of course you may need a range of measures to secure the position of your business during the recession. Before the good times kick in, there's plenty of work to be done. But whatever the current economic situation, it's always beneficial to cut costs. Partner with Jobofer.org right now, and we will fill your seasonal positions with international students, who, as you have just learned, bring nothing but benefit to your business. Outsmart your competition!

Register now and start the staffing before the busy months start!

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