- Complete our short registration form
- Point out seasonal vacancies and staff specifications
- Get qualified, friendly and responsible seasonal staff
- Take profits you will receive increasing clients flow and saving money for recruiting agencies services.
How to make restaurant business prosperous?

Restaurant business in U.S. is so much crowded market segment that competition among 570 thousands of establishments turns out to be a severe marketing and financial war. According to market research, business struggle peaks fall on tourist season time. Since only in summer near 50 million tourists move in U.S. and leave hundred million dollars in restaurants and bars. That is why every restaurant or bar owner seeks ways of operational optimization, customer acquisition and seasonal profit growth. Among such ways there are products cost reduction due to beneficial supply channels, catchy advertising, central location of restaurant or bar, putting menu prices up and dispensable costs cutting. However the majority of these measures require sizable financial placement or are accompanied by significant risk (for example, unreasonable price hike can lead to regular customers loss).
Let us offer you the way, which allows making your restaurant business prosperous and dominating over competitors in peak season. This way is like killing two birds in one stone: you will both reduce costs for recruitment and staff maintenance and improve service quality. It becomes possible due to recruiting students, who came to U.S. on the international exchange program J1 Visa Work and Travel.
What benefits will you enjoy?
According to opinion polls, about 15% of Americans and tourists in U.S. consider service quality and rate to be the critical point when choosing restaurant or bar. Given that students from different developing countries are success-oriented, persevering, ambitious and fluently speak English, you will enjoy 15% client base growth. They can efficiently fill seasonal vacancies in restaurants and bars assuming that they are enrolled in universities at home and have rather low salaries claims comparable with US residents.
Many restaurant owners in U.S. face legal problems hiring seasonal staff for restaurants and bars. International exchange students who came to U.S. via J1 Visa Work and Travel remain in the country officially; their lives and health are insured, they have legal right to work in your restaurant or bar.
How to get access to seasonal staff data base?
In order to get access to our huge catalogue of students who come to U.S. via international exchange program J1 Visa Work and Travel, you have to go through three basic steps: