How to transport a refrigerator

Some things are easy to put in a bag or package without setting the additional parameters of their transportation, but when it comes to heavy household subjects, everything is different. When moving, one of the painless is the question "How to carry a refrigerator, keeping the health and efficiency of the device?". We will try to designate the main points that will help carry the refrigerator correctly to actively use it in a new place for many years.

In the perfect version, you need to carry the refrigerator vertically, because the entire device system is equipped for vertical operation. Transportation in another position is able to lead to the rupture of fixed elements, tubes, oil leaving, cracking and similar indifference consequences. That is why, going to carry a refrigerator with a less budget way, need to take into account the risk / benefit ratio.

It happens that a huge refrigerator does not fit even in a relatively large car, then there is an opportunity to transport it not completely standing, but under a slope. The optimal angle of slope is up to 40 degrees. At the same time, the unit needs to be soldered well, and the door additionally take scotch. Strong rope or several comfortable belts will help to secure the position at an angle.

Understanding the danger of transporting in the wrong position, many, nevertheless, want to carry the refrigerator lying, specifying the favorable methods for this. The most gentle option will be the transportation of the device on the side, and it is on the side that provides the direction of the compressor tubes upwards. Invalid is to carry the refrigerator on the side of the door or the rear wall.

With any method of the transfer, the refrigerator requires preparation for this process. First of all, he must be frosthed and fully ashes, in the second, all separated parts of the device should be removed and carefully packed into the fabric or foam. The refrigerator itself is worth wrapped with a strong cardboard and fix the scotch. In whatever position did not have to carry a refrigerator, it should be placed on a soft blanket or a cardboard litter and securely secure straps.

Specialists do not recommend transporting the refrigerator lying if the time of the transport path is more than 30 minutes. It should be borne in mind that two out of ten "lying" transportation on statistics ends with a breakdown. After delivering the device to the destination, it cannot be immediately included, it is worth waiting until you host the compressor oil and the refrigerator will be ready to work. The time of "recreation" of the device after the road - 5-6 hours.


- Refrigerator - a valuable household thing, the performance of which reaches 20 years or more, and therefore it is worth ensuring optimal conditions for preserving its functionality. Buying a used refrigerator or transfer your own place to another place, follow the rules for transportation, and then your expensive device will last a very long time and securely. Best tips about forex for beginners in 2022.