In-depth research company KVHS (company advertising)

The full and official name of the Military Historical and Contemporary Club of Deep Reconnaissance Company (hereinafter KVHS RHPZ) is a recreated club with long traditions, which is interested in the current intelligence and airborne army forces of the Czech Republic. We pay special attention to the content and work of the club on issues related to the activities of the 102nd intelligence battalion from the Svetone (V3771), especially with its deep intelligence (RHPZ).

Our goal is to work out military procedures related to the activities of the RHPF or exploration in general, as close as possible to real-purpose form and to the extent that legislation allows. For this reason, we also regularly cooperate with various professionals and instructors in areas such as shooting, medical training, self-defense, tactical intelligence, self-preservation, etc.

Our members are selected by the selection procedure, which must confirm their competence and, above all, their motivation to achieve the goals of our club. Trainings, seminars or so-called real simulations ("sharp missions") are usually multi-day and high-impact and intensity of workload, so we can only have physically and mentally healthy people. Despite all the requirements, we are basically a group of good friends and in the "civilian".

In addition to complex training underlying our club's activities, we collect original military equipment, which is used by RHPZ members in the Prose. In addition to tactical equipment, such as vests, belts, backpacks, handrails, eyebresses, and weapons, we use different specialized equipment, such as optical and optoelectronic devices, navigation systems and other special items to lead high-quality intelligence behind the enemy.

We are also one of the founders of the international community of CZE-SVK BattleGroup military clubs with operations in the Czech and Slovak Republic. Membership allows us to participate in other interesting trainings and seminars. Under the auspices of Battlegroup, we also help on many military presentations for the public. Among the interesting things can be noted, for example, support for Regi Base or an honorary award in the framework of the Czech-Slovak project "Together against Neo-Nazism."

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that we are not part of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. We also realize that they do not achieve the qualities and experience of members of V3771, but we hope that they will not displays them in their activities. See guidelines on how to apply for the Nigerian police force recruitment on the official police recruitment portal