Seasonal Staffing for the Amusement Industry

Summer is just the right season to have fun, and it means more people will love to visit your amusement venue. Whether you are running an amusement park, a water park, a concessions, a golf club, a circus, a zoo, or anything else where people come to enjoy themselves, it's a great idea not to miss the opportunities of the season and hire international seasonal workers to cover your growing staffing needs. It's truly the right choice to fill the positions you require with young, optimistic, fun-loving people from abroad who are committed to learning, earning, and adding value to your business. has experience in matching candidates from foreign exchange students with amusement firms all over USA, covering every type of entry level position you may want to cover with seasonal staffing. That includes everything from admission jobs to lifeguards, keepers, attendants, and so on. The Work And Travel USA program allows exchange students from abroad to work in the US for up to 4 months during the buzz season under a J1 visa. is committed to understanding your needs as an amusement business and handling all the seasonal staffing procedures for you, at absolutely no cost. Read on to learn about the industry's typical positions we find foreign exchange students most suitable for.
Entry level job positions for the amusement industry is skilled in selecting seasonal staff for all kinds of firms engaged in the amusement business. Check out the list of positions typically filled with international exchange students:
- Ride Operators / Attendants
- Game Operators
- Food Service
- Lifeguards
- Guest Relations
- Admissions
- Security
- Games & Attractions
- Merchandise
- Grounds Quality
- Season Pass Processor
- Entertainment
- Wardrobe
- Warehouse
- Safari Gate Keepers & Wardens
- Parking Lot Attendant
- Landscape
- Cash Control
What happens when you use seasonal employment for your theme or amusement park?
- You cover your seasonal staffing needs with young, highly motivated, English-speaking international staff from 18 to 28 years old and cut costs by paying fewer taxes.
- You diversify the environment of your venue by adding a multicultural flavor.
- You get industrious, caring, sociable international workers who are committed to contributing and learning.
- You avoid trouble and paperwork by reviewing applications of reliable, pre-screened candidates which we send to you.
- You benefit from our years of experience in hiring exchange students for
all kinds of amusement venues.
Why wait when you can start right now? It's all perfectly simple, just 3 easy steps!
- Fill in our Employer Registration Form
- Review the profiles of international students we'll be sending
- Don't worry about the rest